It’s a fact: in the struggle to keep our lives on track and keep up with the Joneses, we end up abandoning ourselves, our needs and feelings.  We think that “self-care” means getting a mani/pedi or “treating ourselves” to some shiny junk on Insta that we don’t need.


We are all, collectively, losing our Muchness.

To correct the problem, we begin piling on the “how to” videos, scrolling endlessly for fulfillment, try disciplining our bodies or our memory function and depend upon our own will power to “man up”.


I say enough! Don’t ADD!!! Let’s subtract! Let me help you clear what no longer serves you, so you can walk lighter, see clearer and get out of your own way!

How’s THIS for Muchness?!

This is what I do…

Certified Reiki Healer

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety . Relax and let me guide you to your meditative state as I deliver energy into your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy and chakras to support healing, clarity and calm.


I work with sober curious individuals.  Women who are curious about needing that glass of wine every night; men and women who keep wanting to numb out but have no idea why and teens who pick up to escape their anxiety or depression or just to fit in!   I love supporting people who want to get their natural spark back and reconnect with life in this new way!

Muchness Mentor

When the Mad Hatter tells Alice, she has lost her Muchness, he refers to her inner power, her own knowledge of herself and her magic!   I love supporting women through this journey of self.  When we are taught so well how to care for others and not ourselves, we forget about our own Muchness!

Burn Baby Burn

Your stories no longer serve you.  If you are willing and brave enough you CAN walk through the ring of fire, burn those beliefs of who you think you are and be who you were born to be.  Gain confidence and trust in yourself, uncover that quiet mind and remain centered despite your circumstances or surroundings.

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Journey Down The Rabbit Hole

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